Award Winners
And Nominations
Best Picture
Ondrej Hraška
Best Comedy
I Mustache You
Shara Ashley Zeiger
Best Direction
Thomas Simon
Best Documentary/PSA
Women in the Front Seat
Indy Saini
Best Drama
David Allain
Best Ensemble
The Principle's Assembly
Jordan Ancel
Rising Star Award
Charlie Norton
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Best Actor
Matthew McNulty
Best Actress
Rula Lenska
Oh Little Spark!
2022 Nominations
Best Picture
A Maiden Not Made of Clay- Shumile, Kohei Takeda
For I am Dead- Patricia Delso Lucas
Lilith- Adrian Marquez Barrios
Sami - Ondrej Hraška
Under The Sun - Alla Dulh
Best Drama
Cadillac: A Mobster Fairy Tale - Robert Curreri
Careful - Sebastião Salgado
Nothing is Going to Change - Nicholas Burns
Oh, Little Spark! - Oh, Little Spark
Sweat - David Allain
Best Comedy
Care Package - Don Most
Chinese Laundry - Giorgio Arcelli Fontana
I Mustache You - Shara Ashley Zeiger
SAG Bump - James J. LaBonte
Scotch, Please - Evan Schneider
Best Direction
Charlie Lyon Budden - Oh, Little Spark
David Allain- Sweat
Matthew Beltz - Four Pins
Thomas Simon - Bowlhead
Jordan Ancel - The Principals Assembly
Best Documentary/PSA
Embarrassed - Sir Steve McQueen
Free to Care - Chris Temple, Owen Dubeck
Rachel's Law - Cameron Ilan
The Painter - Robert Isenberg
Women in the Front Seat - Indy Saini
Best Actor
John Potvin - Cadillac: A Mobster Fairytale
Matthew McNulty - Sweat
Michael Way - Nothing is Going to Change
Peter Ondrejička - Sami
Tiago Lobo - Careful
Best Actress
Bonnie Wright - Sweat
Íris Cayatte - Careful
Marcus Kovár - Sami
Rula Lenska - Oh, Little Spark!
Pamela Morgan - The Principals Assembly
Best Ensemble
Cadillac: A Mobster Fairy Tale
Out: A Short Film
Purple Case
The Firefly Jar
The Principals Assembly
Rising Star (Student Film Award) - Presented by Final Draft
Avery Marin Cather- Mother’s Smile, Fathers Laugh
Chris St Lawrence- Monkey Juice
AJ James Tuck- Magic 8 Ball
Joel Familier- John and Julie
Hui Tan- Rainbow